OUR MISSION: to bring into effect a ban on research & testing on dogs in the UK



Our professional marketing strategy will raise awareness and share facts about this cruel & outdated practice.

We work with incredibly caring actors, celebrities & high profile individuals who LOVE DOGS and want to help us achieve our goal.

We also have great relationships with a number of journalists and radio & TV presenters who support Hounded’s mission.

Why only dogs?

We hope to help as a small, targeted part of the overall mission. By breaking the long term goal down into smaller short term missions, we believe has a better chance of success. The short term mission we chose is to campaign for a ban on testing on dogs in the UK.

If we were to be successful, it would be huge victory for the thousands of dogs that suffer and die in labs each year, and it would be strategically important. It would be a positive step forward, set a precedent, and be a step in the right direction.


Hounded Campaign speak to 2 audiences… 

1) those who think testing on dogs is morally wrong. We share research & facts to raise awareness, as most people still do not know dogs are tested on in the UK.

2) those who still think testing on dogs is a necessary evil for scientific progress & human medicine. We share setbacks, risks & harm to humans that are a direct result of experiments on dogs and show evidence that testing on dogs has no real benefit.

Wherever you sit, you can get involved. We don’t share graphic imagery so it is a safe space to learn without being too distressing. We encourage debate & conversation without attacks or judgement.

Read for yourself.

The government state that experiments on dogs are only conducted where there is no suitable alternative. They say; “Testing on dogs is only legally permitted where there are no alternatives and is robustly regulated. Such testing is needed for the safe development of medicines and other research.”

The research and evidence we share will show clearly that testing on dogs in the UK is 1) not robustly regulated, 2) not needed for the safe development of medicines and other research and 3) there are alternatives now that are simply not being used. 

Working with as many passionate and knowledgeable experts, we are build an evidence-based case that will refute in black & white everything the government have stated. We will build support, explore legal avenues and push for a change in legislation to add dogs to the exemption list. We will make sure the facts cannot be ignored.

Medical experiments have been conducted on dogs for over 100 years. We are better than this. Help us to make history…